There are many options available when it comes to summer camp for adults with disabilities in Utah. There are several options all over the state, and some of them even accept DSPD waivers for payment!

Camp Kostopulous:
Often referred to as Camp K, this foundation offers summer camps (and year round programing), for individuals with disabilities starting at the age of 7. Their summer camps come in four options, Day Camp, Residential Camp, Mini Day Camp on Saturdays, and Travel Camps where they explore National Parks within the mountain west region.
National Ability Center:
Located in Park City, National Ability Center offers programing all year round, but also has a wide variety of camp options in the summer months too. The offer varying types of day camps, overnight camps, sibling camps, and even family camps. Head over to their website and see if there is an option that will work best for you.

Salt Lake County Recreation:
The county of Salt Lake offers an adaptive summer day camp for individuals between the ages of 5-21. The cost is about $100 per week, and each week has a different focus whether it’s sports, science, around the world, etc… It’s a great local option that you can hop in and do on the weeks that you think will interested the person you care for most.
Turn Community Services:
Located in the Salt Lake Valley, Turn Community Services has a wide variety of programming available to older adults year round. Turn offers residential and day programs for older adults with disabilities, and a summer camp option as well. The summer camp was paused during the pandemic, and it looks like their site hasn’t been updated recently. If you’re interested in their programming we would recommend calling and seeing when they’re resuming those services.