5 Activities for Developmentally Delayed Adults

Activities for Developmentally Delayed Adults

Being a caregiver of an adult with developmental disabilities can sometimes make it difficult to find activities that are engaging and fun, while still being age appropriate for the individual. Here are 5 great activities for developmentally delayed adults that you can try on your next caregiving shift.


Bowling is a great activity for people with developmental disabilities because it gets them out in the community and the game is simple enough to be enjoyed by everyone regardless of skill. You can choose to use the bumpers, or play without. There is also the option for the person to use the ball ramp to play if they’re not coordinated enough to bowl the ball on their own. Either way you play, it’s a great activity we’re sure they’ll love!

Activities for Developmentally Delayed Adults

Exercise Classes:

Exercise classes can provide so many benefits for everyone. Exercise is proven to improve both physical and mental health in people with and without disabilities. Being out in the community exercising with other people is a great opportunity for them to feel like they have a place of belonging and people they can look forward to seeing on a regular basis. Most gyms have “silver sneaker” exercise classes that are typically easier, and lower impact that individuals with disabilities may enjoy if they’re not able to participate in more intense workouts.

Swimming With Disabilities:

Swimming is a great form of exercise and can provide many benefits to individuals with disabilities. It can take pressure off of muscles and joints while providing the cardiovascular benefits of exercise. We recently wrote a post all about the best floats for swimming with disabilities if you need help finding an option for someone you love.


Gardening is proven to combat feelings of loneliness, improve mental health, provide exposure to vitamin D, decrease risk of dementia, and improve one’s mood. These are things everyone wants to experience! Gardening gan be very inexpensive. You can purchase seeds, soil, and pots, and watering cans all at your local dollar store during the springtime, and it can provide hours of enjoyment during the spring and summer months.

Craft Projects:

Arts and crafts are an amazing way to engage with an adult with disabilities. Crafts can help develop fine motor skills, improve focus, and they’re simply fun and something that doesn’t need to be perfect. Stephen’s Place shared an article with 16 DIY ideas for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that should be able to provide lots of great inspiration for your next crafting day!

Activities for Developmentally Delayed Adults

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