provides compassionate disability respite care in Utah to individuals with disabilities on the DSPD medicaid waiver. We specialize in equipping friends in family to become trained and hired caregivers to provide the best care possible to our 300+ clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Disability Respite Care in Utah
Many full-time caregivers in the state of Utah rely on respite care to give them relief from their caregiving duties. Often these full-time caregivers are parents that care for their child, or adult child with a disability, and need someone else to step in and provide care for a short period of time so that the parents can get the needed physical and mental break they need. These breaks allow the parents to continue providing the compassionate care they need to their loved one with a disability.

Disability Respite Care Provider in Utah provides disability respite care to individuals with disabilities in the state of Utah who are on the DSPD medicaid waiver. Typically our clients have both supported living and respite codes in their budget. If you have respite hours your would like to use and have them allocated to to provide these services contact your support coordinator who can walk you through this process.
Benefits to Using for Respite Care in Utah: is the best choice as a care provider in Utah because we pay the highest wage for caregivers in the state. We pay $22/hr regardless of the code being billed. We also pay our caregivers every single week, which is unheard of from any other care provider. When you choose another care provider or a fiscal agent to manage your care, you are only paid monthly. We recognize that isn’t practical for most individuals which is why we put money in our caregivers pockets each and every week.

Other Services Provides: provides supported living, chore services, employment services, respite, caregiver compensation and other medicaid service codes to individuals with disabilities in the state of Utah. If you are wondering which codes we might be able to service for you, please email us at
Respite Workers in Utah: has over 150 trained caregivers that are ready to work with more clients. If you’re interested in using one of our caregivers in your area, please contact us today so we can get you their informaton and you can see if they would be the right fit for your family.