Caregiving is a job that has so many rewards and benefits. It can also bring a lot of stress and fatigue, which can ultimately lead to caregiver burnout. These simple strategies aim to improve self-care for caregivers so that they can continue bringing their best selves to their shifts each week.
Why Self-Care for Caregivers is Important:
Self-care for caregivers is incredibly important because the demands of their time and energy are extremely high. It takes a lot to constantly put the needs of others before you’re own and that isn’t sustainable. We’re here to tell you that it’s okay to take time for yourself, recharge your mental batteries, and pour life into yourself before you pour into others.
Caregivers who practice self-care are proven to:
- Improve overall well-being
- Increases ability to be resilient
- Have more energy
- Improve overall performance
- Have improved mental health outcomes
These are all things that we want for our caregivers at We want our caregivers to have a life outside of caregiving that excites them, recharges their spirits, and ultimately helps them to want to be a better caregiver.

Areas of Life to Practice Self-Care for Caregivers:
Self-care is a multifaceted approach to overall well-being. It encompasses our physical, mental, and spiritual health. When you’re looking for ways to practice self-care as a caregiver, you should look for a variety of activities that fit into these categories. The idea is that doing these activities help to relieve stress, help you unwind, and are things that you look forward to each and everyday.
Physical Activities for Self-Care:
- Going for a run
- Taking a yoga class
- Lifting weights
- Cooking a well balanced meal
- Take a walk and get fresh air
- Simply sit outside
- Stand up and stretch
These activities don’t have to be particularly stressful and demanding. They just aim to get your body moving or simply do something good for your body.

Activities that Improve Mental Well-Being:
- Journaling
- Make a list of things/people you’re grateful for
- Read a book for a set amount of time each day
- Talk to a friend
- Take a deep breath
- Practice mindfulness
- Turn your phone off for 30 minutes
These activities are supposed to be things that you find mentally relaxing. They are not meant to be stressful. if you find that one of these activities are bringing you more stress than help, try something else until you find one that works for you.
Improving Spiritual Health:
Spiritual health is so much more than just religion and going to church. Those are great things and if they work for you we definitely encourage you to keep that in your routine. Spiritual health is also about connecting with your inner-self and the world around you. It’s about finding stillness and peace. Some activities that can improve your spiritual well-being include:
- Yoga
- Sitting in silence
- Meditation
- Spend time in nature
- Connect with your personal faith
Our hope is that these activities will improve self-care for caregivers, and that caregivers can consider ways in which they can improve their lives and overall health.