Art Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Art Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

There are many benefits to art therapy for adults with intellectual disabilities. We’ll aim to define what art therapy is, the benefits that it can have, and art therapy locations that are local to Utah.

Art Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities:

Art therapy can be very beneficial for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Art therapy in general aims to be a relaxation and stress relief for individuals and a way to improve their mental health. Individuals with disabilities can have a myriad of stressors in their lives and developing a daily practice of art can look to improve coping skills for life’s day to day challenges.

Art Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

What is Art Therapy:

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art as a form of self expression. This can be done using a variety of mediums such as drawing, painting, modeling, etc… The idea is that the individual participating in the therapy is able to convey their feelings and emotions through the use of art instead of communicating those things verbally, which may often be difficult for people who have experienced profound trauma. Art can be used as a modality for healing and working through these powerful feelings and emotions.

The Benefits of Art Therapy:

Along with the benefits we’ve already discussed, there are many other additional benefits to art therapy, especially for those with intellectual disabilities:

  • Express thoughts and feelings
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Enhance self-awareness
  • Promote well-being
  • Increase communication skills
  • Improve coping skills

Different Types of Art Therapy:

When people think of art therapy, the first thing that may come to mind is someone sitting down with a blank canvas and a set of paints. While this certainly can be a form of art therapy, it can also look like one of these different modalities:

  • Dance therapy
  • Drama therapy
  • Expressive therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Writing therapy

There are many different forms of art therapy and it’s important to find the best fit for the person receiving care so that they can get the most out of this treatment option.

Art Therapy in Utah:

Art therapy can be somewhat difficult to come by, especially in the state of Utah. here is a list of some providers in the Salt Lake Valley, but you may want to try searching a little deeper to find more providers local to your area.

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