What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Caregiver?

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Caregiver?

We surveyed a pool of caregivers working for giv.care and asked them, what do you enjoy most about being a caregiver? They responded with some great answers that we thought would be great to share for individuals who are thinking about becoming a caregiver with giv.care, or any caregiving agency. Because of privacy concerns and HIPPA regulations, we are keeping the identity of these caregivers anonymous to protect them and those they serve.

What These Caregivers Enjoy Most About Being A Caregiver:

This is what three different giv.care caregivers have had to say about their caregiving experiences. We love that we have such varying responses from a parent, a family member, and someone who is a friend of the client’s family. Caregiving is really for everyone and we’re glad we’re able to make that possible through giv.care.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Caregiver?

Caregiver 1:

Caregiver compensation started as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. So I’m in a unique situation where I get to provide care for my daughter and be paid for the work I’m doing. I love that I know my daughter and her needs better than anyone else and I don’t have to pay someone else to care for her so that I can go work another job. I get to be there for her 24/7, but get paid for a portion of that time the same way I would with any other job. There is a lot of peace of mind knowing that I don’t have to leave her with a stranger or someone else who does not know her as intimately as I do. I’m sure there are many other families that feel the same way about this change.

Caregiver 2:

I am a caregiver for my niece. I love being a caregiver because it means I get paid to do something that I would have done for free anyways. I see my niece and visit with her regularly to take her out to dinner on Friday nights, play board games while her parents go on a date, or we’ll watch a movie together. It’s time that I get to spend with her doing things we both love, and I get to help her parents by giving them a break from 24/7 care. My niece is really fun and I enjoy the time we spend together. The paycheck is just a bonus.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Caregiver?

Caregiver 3:

I have been caring for my client for several years now. We moved over to giv.care from another agency in 2022 and have loved the support that we’ve received so far. My client and I love going out to lunch together, going on hikes, and being outside a lot. We try to spend as much time outside as possible, even in the winter months. It’s where we’re both the happiest! The thing I love the most about caregiving is the long-term relationship that I have made with my client. We’re truly great friends and love getting to see each other on a regular basis. Caregiving has made me a more empathetic person, and has helped me to see the world through the needs of other people.

Other things our Caregivers Love About Caregiving:

Other things that our caregivers love about caregiving with giv.care is that they’re able to make $24/hour working with their client. This is something that doesn’t happen with other agencies in the state.

At giv.care we use a mobile app to track scheduling shifts, caregiver notes, and to make our billing processes more efficient. This makes caregiving more efficient for everyone who is involved in the process.

We also pay our caregivers weekly which is something we’re really grateful we’re able to do. A lot of the time caregiver paychecks get held up with a fiscal agent who is waiting on payment from the state before they’re able to pay the caregivers. Our model allows for caregivers to be paid on time each week which helps the caregivers to be able to continuing caring for the individual they serve.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Caregiver?

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