Category: Holiday

  • Thank You Gifts for Caregivers

    Thank You Gifts for Caregivers

    This holiday season be sure to remember your caregivers in your gift giving. Their selfless service towards your family is something that should be honored this time of year. If you’re looking for a gift for the caregiver in your life, here are some ideas to get you started. Considerations for Thank You Gifts for…

  • Gifts for Adults with Disabilities

    Gifts for Adults with Disabilities

    Christmas is just a few short weeks away, and many people have already started their Christmas shopping. If you’re looking for gifts for adults with disabilities, hopefully something on this list will be just the item you’re looking for. Considerations for Gifts for Adults with Disabilities: Our focus on this list is primarily gifts for…

  • 9 Sensory Easter Basket Ideas Under $5!

    9 Sensory Easter Basket Ideas Under $5!

    With Easter coming up right around the corner we wanted to share some fun and inexpensive sensory Easter basket ideas. All of these items can be found at your local Walmart or Michael’s Craft store, and can also be purchased online! We hope one of these items will be a great fit for you! Easter…