Author: Paige Flamm

  • All About Caregiver Burnout

    All About Caregiver Burnout

    Caregiver burnout is a very real phenomenon in which caregivers experience physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion as a result of being a full time caregiver for someone with a disability or long term medical condition.

  • Outdoor Activities for Disabled Adults

    Outdoor Activities for Disabled Adults

    Getting outside might be a challenge if you or someone you know has a disability. There are many outdoor activities for disabled adults that can provide plenty of recreation without spending a lot of money or being overly complicated. 

  • 9 Sensory Easter Basket Ideas Under $5!

    9 Sensory Easter Basket Ideas Under $5!

    With Easter coming up right around the corner we wanted to share some fun and inexpensive sensory Easter basket ideas. All of these items can be found at your local Walmart or Michael’s Craft store, and can also be purchased online! We hope one of these items will be a great fit for you! Easter…

  • The 7 Best Floats for Swimming with Disabilities

    The 7 Best Floats for Swimming with Disabilities

    Swimming with disabilities can sometimes pose a problem when trying to locate the best flotation device for you or your loved one. The flotation device needed often depends on the level of support needed by the individual and their weight/size. Here are seven great options for flotation devices for swimming with disabilities.

  • Inclusive Language for Disabilities

    Inclusive Language for Disabilities

    We see everywhere right now among many groups of people that there is a huge movement towards inclusive language, especially inclusive language for disabilities. We want to share some of our thoughts on this topic, and our mission around inclusive language at, and some perspective from parents as well sharing how they’ve navigated inclusive…

  • Private Grants For Individuals with Disabilities

    Private Grants For Individuals with Disabilities

    There is a high financial cost for those who are living with, or care for someone with a disability. There are a handful of great private grants for individuals with disabilities offset some of the medical costs they experience, as well as home and vehicle accommodations to help make their life more accessible. United Healthcare…

  • National Parks Disability Pass

    National Parks Disability Pass

    The National Parks Disability Pass offers entrance to all the US National Parks, Forests, and monuments throughout the USA and neighboring territories. With access to over 2,000 locations nationwide, this pass grants individuals with disabilities a lifetime of adventures you don’t want to miss.

  • What Are Developmental Disabilities?

    What Are Developmental Disabilities?

    March is Developmental Disability Awareness Month, and we want to help bring awareness to something that impacts 17% of all children in the United States. This post aims to answer the questions, “what are developmental disabilities?”, and give some quick facts about how they impact individuals.

  • Tricycles for Adults with Disabilities

    Tricycles for Adults with Disabilities

    Riding a bike is an experience that everyone should be able to enjoy. For adults with physical disabilities, it can be challenging to find just the right bike. Here are five tricycles for adults with disabilities, we hope one of them will work for you or someone you love.

  • Baby Gear for Developmental Delays

    Baby Gear for Developmental Delays

    If you’re bringing home an infant from the hospital, or are already home with a baby who might have some delays, here is our go-to list of baby gear for developmental delays from seasoned moms who have been in your position.